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      Assignment 4
Tutorial and Feedback

Now you’ve reached the end of project 4, schedule a feedback session with your personal tutor. 

You will need to select a small number of works to discuss, as well as noting down a few questions to ask about your research and progress. 

This is an extended submission to give you the opportunity to share your critical review plan.

Submit your selected works, your critical review plan and your questions via this assignment activity along with your feedback preference (video or written) and ensure you have communicated with your tutor to schedule a tutorial.

Link to blog entry-

Exercise 2: Less is More...Sometimes


'Sweeps, mixes and dapples beneath the metallic.'

Acrylic and metallic leaf on found canvas 100cm x 50 cm


Redacted in a Rectangle (B.O.P)

(renamed from the original title of Bird of Paradise)

Digital crop of acrylic on watercolour paper.


Disintegrating Skies

Acrylic Ink/ paint and gold metallic leaf on Khadi paper 30cm x 30 cm


Link to blog entry-

Exercise 4: My Practice.

Cut the corner.

Mixed media on a 50 x 40 cm copper support.

Video tests - A Gooey World lurking

Digital Tondo crops

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