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   Assignment 5 
  Tutorial and Feedback

Now you’ve reached the end of project 5, schedule a formative feedback session with your personal tutor. 

You will need to select a small number of works to discuss, as well as noting down a few questions to ask about your research and progress. 

This is an extended submission to also give you the opportunity to share your draft critical review. By now you will have developed your Critical Review to a draft stage. This is an opportunity for feedback. Please submit any draft materials along with the other visual components of the Project. This can be a partial or a complete draft, and is an opportunity for feedback prior to presenting the final version at Project 7.

Submit your selected works, your draft critical review and your questions via this end of project activity along with your feedback preference (video or written) and ensure you have communicated with your tutor to schedule a tutorial.

This assignment explores my creative challenges and reflections. My process and practice are developing. I know how I want to represent my inner emotions and emerging ideas by using circular or elliptical shapes to present my work (as a characteristic).

But why?

Here's why, after much reflection and self-analysis, these statements help me understand my progress;

For years I looked through aircraft windows whilst travelling, and through these circular portals, the world unfolded. As you soar above, the curvature of the earth embraces your view, unveiling many breathtaking spectacles. The window becomes a ring, offering glimpses of cities, oceans, and landscapes that loop and cycle below. You can literally see time passing by. The window acts as a globe of observation, enabling you to witness the dance of light and shadows across the landscape. The circular lens can and will always seem normal and familiar to me.  

For this part of the course, can cropping paintings and circular redactions in photographs evoke landscapes? Yes, I believe that by focusing on the textures and depth of the paint, these digital crops and honed-in images can. However, I have submitted similar 'Digital Crops' in my previous assignment, but these pieces produce a 'painted landscape' because they are viewed/photographed from a shallow angle.

Am I in the midst of an important turning point in my course/practice/process?

I am beginning to find different techniques, formats, and materials to find the best way to convey my artistic vision.

Yes, because using circular or elliptical shapes to present my work can be a characteristic enhanced by using;

  • Clay for the bases to add sculptural elements.

  • Encaustic techniques in conjunction with mixed media, for example, fabric or paint.

  • Photographic filtered redaction.

  • The concept of a hybrid 'object'.

Overall, this assignment prompts me to express my thoughts while tackling the challenge of representing inner and emerging creativity.

I want to delve deeper into the tondo within many contexts, including circular space in motion, and the realm where the possibilities are infinite. The circular symbol of the Ouroboros (snake eating its own tail), representing eternal renewal, resonates with me as I witnessed the ever-changing vistas. The delicate balance of yin and yang, mandalas of culture and tradition, tunnels, eyelets, planets and many more.

Most of all, I am delighted that I can spend my 'coin of exploration'. The circle or window becomes my currency.

Digital Landscape Tondi
Infinite Void                                  Sculpted Whiteness






This digital pairing creates contrast and dynamic tension between the two parts, with 'Enigma' representing the sense of mystery and fascination associated with Sintra's captivating beauty and rich history. At the same time, 'Revelation' implies a sense of unveiling or discovering hidden truths. Together, the diptych unravels secrets, unlocks mysteries, and experiences the transformative power of revelation. Both images are redacted from the original mixed media on canvas. (See below).


     Mixed media 3D elements on canvas 60 x 40 cm





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