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Assessment - Longlist Artworks.

'Assessment Criteria'

Select 6 to 10 pieces of creative work from across your coursework. Remember to choose your best work here. This is not the place to illustrate improvement by including lesser work. Select your strongest paintings from wherever they appear in your coursework. Consider trying to present a coherent portfolio that demonstrates a developing ability to connect your understanding and synthesise it into your work.


1. Digital Tondos

For their varied and exciting approach with riotous colour.

(Examples below) of printed physical digital tondos - on foam board,

Ø 240 mm x 5mm.


2. Redaction in Rectangle (Circle)

Redacted in a Rectangle- digital crop.

For the legible composition, structure and balanced approach to framing.

Tutor question- Should I present a digital rectangular crop or the original painting in the tondo-mounted frame?

Framed original, redacted in a circle. Overall frame 32.5cm x 32.5 cm.


3. Disintegrating Skies

Acrylic Ink/ paint and gold metallic leaf on Khadi paper 30cm x 30 cm.

For its development of layering techniques and refinement to create compelling work.

Tutor question- Should I present a digital rectangular crop or the original painting in the tondo-mounted frame?

Framed original, tondo mount. Overall frame 50cm x 50 cm.

4. Tephra.

Mixed media, encaustic wax.

Tri-shaped encased glass frame, 60cm x 60cm.

For the connection and narrative formed by memories, experiences and experimentation to create a unique style.

5. A.G.P.

Mixed media on Khadi paper -

Hybrid collaboration: Penny Day (Textiles O.C.A. and Martine Elliott).

For establishing connections collaboratively within the art community and opening doors for future opportunities.

Question- Should I present a digital rectangular crop or the original painting in the tondo-mounted frame?

Digital tondo of original mixed media on paper.


6. Infinite Void.

(Drag, thrust, lift, roll pitch and yaw. Shake, bump, fall and shudder).

For its attempt to capture fluidity and transformation.


7. Flare and Inverted Flare.

Encaustic and mixed media on canvas Ø 40cm.

For its exciting correspondence mirrored with bursts of paint.

Tutor Question- Should I present Flare or both pieces?

8. Abstract Trifecta

Hybrids - Digitally cut paper, sculpted wax, glue and clay on Ø24cm plastic tondo frames.

For their visceral, organic qualities. With surface areas of geometry to generate interest and further potential development.

Digital editions/crops of the surface.


9. Foundations.

Encaustic and metallic leaf on deep plyboard 20.5 x 25.5 cm x 3cm.

For its consideration of surface tension and containment with layered encaustic brushwork.

Digital editions/crops of the surface.

10. Odyssey

Digital Tondo Crop - originating from ink on Fabriano paper - 150cm x 150cm For its ability to convey personal experiences through painterly practice.

11. Double Helix

Stencilled air-dry clay and mixed media- tondo.

For its consideration to process multiples and editions of the tondo by exploring other techniques and media choices.

12. Squashed, squeezed, cracked, spread, poured and dried.

Mixed media on cork tiles 2 x 30 x 30cm and 30 x 40 cm

The development of cracks and crevices becomes a record of the creation process, a testament to the impermanence of all things.

Digital redactions/crops of the surface.



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